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Can I use Pelleterad kogödsel indoor and for bonsai trees?

Hi! I would like to use the Pelleterad kogödsel for both my indoor and outdoor bonsai trees. I'm concerned though about the possible bad smell of the kogödsel. Do you recommend using it also inside an apartment? Or better just for gardens (outdoors)?
My bonsai are Fucus, Juniper, Cypress and Thuja. Any concerns using the Pelleterad kogödsel with these species?

Thanks a lot in advance,


  • Our recommendation is to use Pelleterad kogödsel for plants, bushes and trees in your garden and that a smaller amount of pellets are mixed with soil. The amount of pellets depends on the size of the plant. 1,5 - 7 tablespoons per liter soil for own soil mix and 1 - 3 dl to one bush. Further recommendation regarding how much pellets to use, please see product information. For indoor plants we offer Växtnäring grönska which gives all kind of plants nutrition.

    Please advice a gardener with bonsai expertise regarding choice of fertilizer for your bonsai trees.

    Good luck!

    Hasselfors Garden

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